When partnering with a local school, be sure to thank the community partners and the volunteers for all of their work.
Celebrate on Social Media
Include organizations that participated. Tag the local schools. Call out teachers and administrators by name. Everyone likes to be acknowledged, and social media is a great way to “shout your gratitude from the rooftops.”
Release a Write-up About the Work
Find more long-form ways to tell the stories of your partner and the work you are sharing. Write in church newsletters, community papers, or on local forums. (blog, newsletter, share with news)
Send Thank You Cards
Remember to share specifics about the impact of what you see happening. These cards can go to non-profit staff, church administration, teachers, school staff (when was the last time a janitor got a thank-you note for their work), or any other person who serves kids.
Put Together a Short Picture Collage or Video
Put together an emotional presentation to show the power of your shared work to serve your local non-profit and school administration. This is also a great resource for sharing the work with your larger organization, business, or church.
Highlight Leadership by Unexpected Volunteers
Show the diversity of your work and leadership. It is powerful when someone who is not used to seeing their name is celebrated.
Tag Other Organizations who Share the Work
When you volunteer at a local school, particularly if it is part of a larger community initiative, you will meet volunteers from other community partners (businesses, retirement communities, high schools, etc.).
Share the Stories
Constantly collect stories of volunteer experiences. Statistics are great, but personal stories move hearts. Remember: your volunteers will be changed as much as the children.
Grow Your Volunteers
There will be more work to be done, and your partner school will most appreciate your staying in and expanding your commitment to the cause of literacy.
Surprise with Snacks or an End-of-year Celebration
Look for ways to give an unexpected gift to teachers/staff/volunteers and to celebrate the work.
(with thanks to School Connect Arizona, schoolconnectaz.org)