Choosing a School
- Be curious and be available. In every town, city and community there are varying needs across the school district. Some schools objectively have more children reading below grade-level than others.
- Be responsive to learning about your community's unique needs.
- Keep an open mind. Your ultimate school partner may not be the school you would have initially chosen.
- Locate a local literacy organization that places volunteers in schools. Most communities have pre-existing organizations that have already done most of the hard work, to make the volunteering process clear, easy and fairly quick to onboard.
BONUS, these organizations already:
- Have established systems to smoothly work with government and local leaders
- Have relationships with the schools and know where the greatest needs exist
- Know how to communicate with schools and maximize your experience
- Have a system to orchestrate background checks and other administrative tasks
- Have staff that are already funded to help communicate and oversee you volunteer experience
3. Collaborate regarding your volunteering goals.
Let them know:
- you want to focus on literacy mentoring
- if you are hoping for a school close to your church/business OR if you are willing to travel to the school with greatest need
- the number of volunteers you hope to recruit and how that number might increase over time
- if you are open to sending volunteers to multiple sites
4. If no Literacy Organization exists, your path is a little more administratively intensive but will also offer a chance for unique investment in your mentoring partnership:
- Research to find a nearby school with literacy needs
- Set up an appointment with the school’s volunteer coordinator (they may be the Vice Principle or another administrative staff member)
- Communicate your desires and willingness to serve, including your hopes (like in #3 above) and your flexibility to serve as needed
- Learn the school’s pathway for on-boarding volunteers
- Send your people
- Note: hear about a DIY reading program HERE.
5. Begin to SERVE