Becoming a Literacy Organization or a Literacy Church is a powerful way to serve your community. It is a uniquely local way to engage. It is uniquely inclusive, allowing almost anyone to be involved. And, it is uniquely impactful; you will be able to measure the influence of your service and to watch young lives transform them through reading mentorship.
Additionally, over time, if you desire to expand your impact, your commitment to Early Childhood Literacy will strengthen your ties to your entire community.
Invite others to join you. Partnering is powerful.
Partnering will allow you to:
- Reach more children and support more schools-in-need.
- Add more mentors, thus filling your neighborhoods with compassionate citizens.
- Surface more resources.
- Expand your community contacts.
- Build friendships and alliances with a whole network of local influencers.
Partners can help provide:
- More mentors to reach more schools.
- Resources such as classroom supplies, school needs, and books to give away.
- Funding, which multiplies the impact.
- Contacts across the school system, government, business sector and non-profit sectors.
- Camaraderie. It is more fun to do things together and with new friends.
Places to find partnerships:
- Businesses you already have a relationship with.
- Churches you already have a relationship with.
- University clubs or organizations.
- High school clubs.
- Professional organization or networking groups.
- Social institutions.
- Government offices.
- Community service agencies like firefighters, etc.
- Parental organizations.
- Sports teams and recreational groups.
Early childhood literacy can be a part of more than having a personal impact. Ultimately, it can open the door to being a better friend to your entire city. And, as your network expands through this common cause, your influence will grow, your network of contacts will expand, your public reputation will strengthen, and your shared impact will be all the more sweet because you did it together.
Our friends at School Connect Arizona ( created this brainstorming document:

For this worksheet and more visit School Connect AZ HERE